Streets and Drainage

Joey Breaux
Jefferson County

Welcome to the City of Groves Public Works Department


Streets and Drainage
The Street Unit repairs and maintains the street system. If you notice a pothole, please report it to this Unit. Driveways require a permit and they are free. The reason for obtaining a permit is to be sure that the correct size culvert is used and that the new drive ends one foot from the edge of the pavement. The earthen or bottomless drives are no longer allowed.

The Drainage Unit cleans ditches, sets culverts, and maintains the City drainage system. The concrete lined ditches in the City belong to the Jefferson County Drainage District No. 7. Please keep the leaves and other trash out of the ditches. This debris stops up the system causing high water. Be advised that a 15" diameter culvert is the minimum size. NO 12" CULVERTS ARE ALLOWED.